Are you Awakening to the planetary shift in consciousness? Do you seek more Spiritual connection, but not sure what path is right for you? Have you spent endless hours doing yoga and meditation, but still feel disconnected and unable to communicate with your Higher Self?

I’ve worked with thousands of Spiritual Seekers just like you, and one of the most common symptoms that propel us onto our spiritual journey is feeling empty, lost, and disconnected from our authentic soul power. Without soul connection you become malnourished of the spiritual Life Force that energizes your body and fuels your heart’s passion and drive. Instead you lack inner confidence and courage – feeling directionless, vulnerable in an unpredictable world, unable to create or protect yourself.

No amount of yoga, meditation, organic living or intentioned mantras will improve your life if you are not increasing your energy frequency. The amount of soul connection you experience is determined by how fast your energy frequency oscillates (spins). Earth’s clockwise gravitational force compresses our physical energy into dense, rigid mass – lowering our frequency as we become sluggish, heavy, hopeless…as low as 7 hertz.

When living in Earth’s electromagnetic field, opposite charges attract! We experience these opposing forces as “pushing” or “pulling” molecules in our bodies and in the energy around us. For every positive action taken, we experience an equal negative reaction. The polarized magnetic charge increases over time in the mind/body/emotions, making it virtually impossible for the Soul to descend into the human vessel.

Learn how you can transcend duality, master your holographic mind as natural creators, and activate the original human blueprint with 12-strand DNA so you can evolve into a 12th-Dimensional Being!

For the past two decades I have developed an essential Ascension tool and technique utilizing Quantum Vortex Energy. When you use the Quantum Vortex Activations, you are training your atoms to spin counter-clockwise in increasing oscillation towards the speed of Light! This is the ‘spin reversal’ required to Ascend out of 3D time density and into 5D Freedom!

Different frequencies of oscillation give rise to the different forms of electromagnetic radiation, from radio waves at the lowest frequencies, to visible light at intermediate frequencies, to gamma rays at the highest frequencies. It is the highest form of gamma ray frequencies (40 hertz) that alter your molecular genetic coding and crystallize the body’s cellular structure to live on Light.

When using the Quantum Vortex technique, your energy is changing in direction from the past to the future with the counter-clockwise spin. During the Ascension process the anti-particles become absorbed into the particles, uniting in Sacred Union. When you remove the 666 Matrix Codes, you can now merge the anti-particle universe into the particle universe, or the spiritual into the physical.

When spinning in Metatron’s sacred geometry, you are learning how to reverse your DNA with the phi harmonics that create the 12 Strand DNA reality. All is being transformed with the crystalline Light Codes and Monad frequencies (anti-particle frequencies) – and activating the 5D Light Body as your new physical home.

Over the years I’ve received TONS of questions from Spiritual Seekers genuinely searching for solutions to the eternal quest for spiritual connection and empowerment. And so I’ve created a 6 Week Telesminar that will guide you through the practical steps to activate your spiritual ascension. I call it the Divine Destiny Teleseminar and it starts on Monday, June 16th.

If you are ready to take your life to the next level, to expand into living your Divine Destiny….please check out the class details HERE.

I’m so excited to share this knowledge with you and propel you into becoming the BEST VERSION of yourself NOW!

