The Cosmic Global Reset running from Solstice 2012 thru Solstice 2016 is ramping up in intensity towards the final year. 2016 is predicted to be a year of karmic retribution, revealing hidden shadow by the incoming photon Light infusion. Just take a look at the fear-based world news, and you’ll recognize a massive push by the cabal towards world war, religious persecution and global destruction.

Light Bearers are located all around the planet with the mission to neutralize the evil agenda and uplift humanity and Gaia into the higher consciousness of LOVE and Harmony. It is your purpose for being here! It is your spiritual dedication to modulate the dark forces that will shift humanity into a harmonious civilization. Allow the fear and anxiety to pulse away from you. Embrace your divine Soul Presence into your Heart Center. You are the living embodiment of compassion and acceptance – a Light Bearer with purpose!

During this momentous window of solar Light infusion, take a moment and bless yourself, spread Loving Care to all you meet and into the collective field. Open your energy channel as a conduit of Light consciousness. Breathe in the solar photonic stream of divine intelligence. Breathe the divine Light into your dormant, non-coding (junk) DNA to come alive! You are awakening the other 90% of your brain’s capacity to access universal knowledge and multi-dimensional experience. Breathe it in and ignite your holographic brain to spark alive!

We are moving into a new cycle in 2016 – the Solstice Tipping Point for Global Reset. Set your visions, intentions and desires into the vortex spiral of creation to magnetize your new Ascension life!

Lovingly, Meg