12:12 Cosmic Event Horizon

12:12 Cosmic Event Horizon

On December 12 (double 12) we experience AA Metatron’s 12:12 annual Ascension Gateway in collaboration with the 12 Root Races that star-seeded the ancient Golden Age of Zep Tepi. This is a momentous metaphysical event, as Gaia aligns with the galactic center, located...
Transitioning into Ascension Process

Transitioning into Ascension Process

We are in the midst of a global pivot point while Pluto completes in Capricorn. Pluto transforms whatever it touches in a death/rebirth cycle. During Pluto’s transformative cycle, it will bring unprocessed feelings, beliefs and experiences from the subconscious into...
Cosmic High-Energy Infusion

Cosmic High-Energy Infusion

The sun entered the fire sign of Sagittarius as we move into the final days of 2023. Known as the Archer, Sagittarius represents the learned healer whose higher intelligence forms a bridge between Earth and Heaven. The very center of the Milky Way Galaxy where it is...
Just Hours Till 11:11 Activations

Just Hours Till 11:11 Activations

We are in for a special treat…in just hours the 11:11 Gateway will reach full amplification of harmonic celestial frequencies. You may have been feeling the energy ramping up all week, with increasing kundalini surges and ringing in the pineal crystals and inner ear....
11:11 Magdalene’s Hieros Gamos Activations

11:11 Magdalene’s Hieros Gamos Activations

It only happens once a year, when the 11:11 Ascension Gateway opens to higher dimensional realms. In numerology, 11 signifies Mastership level. 1 represents initiation, invention and new beginnings that flow to us in the form of ideas and inspiration. 11:11 is...