The first impactful event of 2015 was the Full Moon on January 4th – a Full Moon that strongly activated the Uranus-Pluto square and Lunar Nodes, plus aligned with the fixed star Sirius!!! The Nodes have been stirred up this past week and on Monday the Moon will move in opposition to Uranus, a square to the Nodes and a square to Pluto. The current astrology packs the power of an eclipse and is compelling society to take action in protest of mass violence and further injustices.

According to Astrologer Marina Macario, “The nodal axis represents the collective’s soul evolution, but it also could also indicate the merging of timelines. Nodes are what make’s eclipses possible, so they are like a cosmic crossroads, maybe even a star-gate…This is an incredibly powerful Full Moon due to the influence of Sirius and the Nodes. We feel we are standing at the cross roads, about to make a choice where we really then cannot turn back to. “

There is a ‘parting of the ways’ come this March, as the two worlds disconnect and pull apart into two distinct realities. We can choose which world we prefer to populate and develop…the world of fear and death, or the world of Light and harmony. The two worlds vibrate at different frequency octaves, one being negatively polarized and the other humming in positive creation.

It depends on our focused intentions that will determine which world we are pulled into. Those family and friends who perpetuate more negativity, fear and complacency will find it difficult to access the higher frequency world. These souls will require more negative polarity to motivate more positive personal choices…human suffering is the driving force that compels willingness for change and improvement. We are all caught in a collective struggle between the Ego’s resistance and the Soul’s desire for connection.

As the two world holograms take hold on the planetary grid matrix, we have the opportunity to select our human story. Do we want to live in a world of loving kindness and harmony, or do we prefer the vitriolic, competitive world of material acquisition and power? One does not support the other!

The souls who do not awaken will remain in the incarnational cycle and continue to learn the lessons of polarity. All is according to divine plan, and stubborn souls cannot be forced into evolution and conscious living. The shadow Ego is a powerful force that we need to learn how to master in our lives. This may take longer for some than others.

The visiting Starseeds and Light Bearers are here at this time to anchor Divine Light consciousness in the human collective and planetary grids. We are working night and day to transform the ‘group mind’ into a higher awakened intellect. Over the coming months and years, we will continue to awaken more of the brain’s capacity for expanded knowledge – more of the multi-dimensional brain’s gifts. The path to such enlightenment requires daily application of silence, inner stillness, deep Soul connection and the ability to receive Divine Light transmissions of universal intelligence.

Our ability to receive incoming transmissions will increase in the coming year, so that many more souls will step into living in the Light. Now more than ever, we are being asked to carve out the time for inner reflection and deep commitment to our Soul’s mission to actualize the League of Light here on Gaia.

Lovingly, Meg

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