It has been a very intense week since the ground-breaking Leo Solar Eclipse occurred on August 21st…unleashing a tsunami of energy into the collective. In the Pacific NW there are almost 1000 fires burning uncontrollably, while along the US coast powerful hurricanes flood cities and oil refineries. Extreme weather is battering status quo, revealing a collapsing infrastructure.

Those on the Ascension path knew this time would come – when the outdated, corrupt system would no longer be sustainable. We knew the transition could be rocky, as the old collapses to make room for the New Earth. We are the stabilizers, the gridworkers, the gatekeepers…the Family of Light! Our time has arrived!

Take care of yourself first, get grounded and hold steady. Then send your Light to where it is needed most. The Eclipse is still altering the electromagnetic field in ways we’re only beginning to understand. The extreme polarity we see running the chaos field is on its last leg. The Eclipse effect is weakening the ‘push/pull’ disruption of opposing polarized forces.

Your EMF is being rewired to exist on less polarity and more unity. The incoming plasma Light is reordering the electrical wiring in the biofield to run on higher frequencies. Your human container of Light is being expanded to embody more Soul presence. The transformation is underway.

The Eclipse sparks again! On Sunday, September 3rd we will see Mercury conjunct Mars in the Eclipse degree – 28 º of Leo 44 arc minutes. Expect more fireworks! Then, on Tuesday, September 5th Mercury will turn direct at 28 º of Leo 25 arc minutes. This direct contact to Eclipse degree creates an amplification moment that will continue to ripple into the collective. You can read Eric Francis’s detailed account of these extraordinary astrological events here:

As we continue to integrate the powerful Eclipse upgrades, we are also preparing for September’s extraordinary ‘super portal’ Equinox Stargate, which marks another significant shift in the planetary field of consciousness. The Sun will move into 0º Libra the day of the Equinox – Friday, September 22nd. Libra is the sign of ‘balanced scales’, emphasizing more harmony and balancing the polarities of masculine/feminine, yin/yang, light and dark.

After all the challenging Eclipse energies, we will be ready for some balancing. We will be broadcasting the New Earth Central show on Wednesday, September 6th to assist with integrating Eclipse upgrades. Take care of yourself and loved ones as we prepare for the Equinox Stargate on September 22nd. Register at:

Lovingly, Meg

Copyright (c) 2017 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.