You may have seen some of the astrology news and predictions for 2016’s Year of the Red Fire Monkey. It is impressive to say the least…I’m looking forward to a very dynamic year. The Chinese New Year launched the Fire Monkey energy just days ago on Monday, February 8th.

Looking back in history, we see some extraordinary Fire Monkey years igniting revolutionary spirit. During the Fire Monkey year of 1776 the American Revolution culminated in the signing of the Declaration of Independence. There are many similarities between 1776 and 2016, in the rising swell of anger, dissatisfaction and rebellion towards a corrupt and polarized government.

As public rage escalates, we can expect more instances of revolt as the collective awakens and fights back. Don’t underestimate the power of the Fire Monkey year, it is already shaking up politics with more demands for fair and just treatment. The water situation could be the breaking point, as more and more communities suffer from lack of water or poisoned water. The public cry for healthy food, water, and air is building. The collective middle class now understands that corporate/Wall Street greed is stealing their financial security and bankrupting their future. The sleeping beast is waking up!!

In this week’s Ascension Activations we will tap into the powerful Fire Monkey energy and Fire UP your own revolutionary spirit. There are myriad ways to initiate change, growth, and rebellion. Each of us has an inner Spirit awakening to action. We will explore our Soul’s Blueprint and activate our inner revolutionary, so that we can evolve and transform our world into a loving, healthy, harmonious home.

Lovingly, Meg