The most powerful ‘Ring of Fire’ New Moon Solar Eclipse will occur early this Sunday morning in Pisces, opening new doors to unimaginable possibilities.  During this momentous event, the sun will travel around the back of the moon radiating a golden ring of light.

Eclipses are threshold points that can suddenly alter the direction of your life.  This month you are entering ‘new territory’! The Lunar Eclipse on Feb 10th initiated a new eclipse cycle as the North Nodes shift into the sign of Leo for the next eighteen months. This will inspire you to live more authentically, guided by higher consciousness and truth.

The 2nd Eclipse in Pisces emphasizes a more fluid flow of energy and letting go of ego control and manipulation. In the scheme of things, energy either flows freely or remains stuck and constricted. These eclipses are communicating the message ‘Observe how your energy flows!’

Is your energy flowing as an open conduit of spiritual life force? Or do you conserve your energy and hold on? When your energy spins clockwise, you are contracting and compacting into denser matter. You are devolving, holding onto the past. When your energy spins counter-clockwise, you are opening up, expanding into more freedom and universal access. You are evolving into more personal growth and multi-dimensionality.

During this powerful eclipse threshold, spin your energy into the stratosphere! No limitations! Power up! Shoot for the stars!

If you would like to energize positive global intentions and activations during this eclipse window, we will be joining together on Saturday, Feb 25th to seed the New Earth. As we join in a united ‘group mind’ we will unlock the dark regime from the lower 3D grids, provide support and protection to the native Water Protectors, send healing Light to Fukushima and crystallize Gaia’s waters.

We will also collaborate with global meditators targeting the Congo Vortex and escort Archons to the exit portal off the planet. Read more:

These eclipses are turning the tide from dark destruction to the rising divine feminine. We are birthing our New Earth! Join other Light Warriors from around the world for the Solar Eclipse Global Activations on Saturday, February 25th at 12pm PT. Register at:

Lovingly, Meg

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