Just last night, moving into early morning there was a Full Moon in Sagittarius conjunct the centaur planet Pholus (discovered in 1992) touching on themes of spiritual healing. Located near the Galactic Core at 26 degrees Sagittarius, the Full Moon is illuminating the bigger picture, the story beyond our human story. We are being guided into a grander awareness of our connection with each other and our Family of Light. This full moon has stirred feelings of community, spiritual kinship and united visions of a New Earth.

We are in a great acceleration of the Shift especially since the surge of crystalline Light Codes that started during the March Equinox and the ground-breaking Cardinal Grand Cross and Eclipses in April. So much is being purged and cleared from our system old decaying genetic codes and consciousness is decomposing from our physical bodies now. The detoxing has been relentless, showing up in all manner of symptoms. We are in a massive cleanse of the out-dated 3D body template so our 5D Light Body Merkaba can ignite!

Every quarter during the Equinox and Solstice mid-points, a Stargate portal opens directly to the Great Central Sun at the Galactic Center. During these Gateway reveals, the photon infusion wave lifts us into a higher threshold, into a breakthrough point. It can feel like being pushed to the next level, bursting out into a new orientation. As the photon wave amplification builds this coming week towards the June Solstice Stargate on the 21st, see if you can stretch your capacity to hold more Light power. Ride the wave through the threshold point and beyond into the higher, more expanded expression of your fullness.

The Solstice Gateway is ushering in a massive wave of Light illuminating the Truth in planetary consciousness. More and more people are waking up to the massive enslavement program and false illusions sweeping the global collective. The Truth will be revealed now! We are in varying stages of decomposition of the decaying 3D body hologram and the ignition of the 5D Light Body as our new physical home. The Cardinal Grand Cross Eclipse really set off a massive collapsing/purging in the body energetics of all the old, diseased, infested structures and systems. It has been a physically challenging time since the Equinox Activations, but our progress is measured by the new orientation occurring inside us. This is not the time to pull back point into the wave and take the ride of your life!


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