According to new scientific theories, a black hole is actually a tunnel or wormhole between universes. It has been predicted that all matter collapsing into a black hole gushes out a “white hole” into a parallel universe. We have the ability to jump from one universe to another with the power of intentioned minds, in the process called thought transference.  By changing our mind’s frequency and holographic patterning we can alter our future outcome – selecting an alternate possible timeline.

When spinning in the phi spiral at zero point, we can expand our conscious intention through spacetime, through the wormhole of the Galactic Center, into a parallel universe of Crystalline Light. Many souls have traveled the multiverse to arrive in this solar system and bring new consciousness, models and templates, innovative technology, and crystalline codes to Earth. These souls are called StarSeeds, and they bring advanced knowledge from far distant star systems that will transform and evolve humanity into higher levels of consciousness.

StarSeeds are souls who originate on other planets, star systems, other galaxies or far-distant universes to assist the awakening of the 5D New Earth. They have carefully selected exact birth times, astrological star markings, specific bloodline genetics and birth family ancestral lineage to better assist their ‘seeding mission’.

They are highly sensitive empaths, and utilize meditation to heal, balance and rejuvenate their bodies and mental outlook. They follow their inner knowing and intuition, seeking to unveil the truth and purpose of their life plan in service. StarSeed souls are dedicated to the advancement of Gaia (5th dimensional Earth) and the human race during the Golden Age, the 2000 years that Earth passes through the Galactic Photon Belt. All souls on the planet are being awakened and activated through the infusion of Crystalline Light codes in the silica of their bodies – transforming the cellular makeup from carbon-based to crystalline structure.

Quartz is the most common form of crystalline silica and acts as an amplifier and transformer of energy.  Increasing consumption of silica enhances the body’s ability to metabolize photon light and supplies the body with an energy frequency communication antenna to higher guidance.

The enhanced transmission signaling through the blood crystals strengthens your connection to the cosmos. When you metabolize crystalline light into the bio-circuitry, the silica amplifies the golden frequency of Life Force at the molecular level. While meditating, deeply breathe Crystalline Light into the mitochondria, converting into bio-fuel for the body. Similar to photosynthesis, the silica transforms Light into chemical energy to fuel your Soul’s Template (Light Body) into a highly refined vessel of Soul Presence.

As you activate the pineal microcrystals with Crystalline Light, your Soul’s Light stream anchors to the root chakra at the pelvic floor, connecting your physical vessel with your Soul consciousness. The Soul Light streams through the Chakra Pillar, uniting all chakra/gates/dimensions/planes of your Unified Field into Soul-Body Fusion. The continuum of Christed Light flowing through your entire Biofield, creates an internal source of divine energy fueled with Soul magnetics.

During the monthly Global Meditation, I will take you on the trip of a lifetime…into the phi spiral wormhole directly to the Galactic Center and the Activation of your Resurrection Codes. Step into the Quantum Vortex and travel the multi-dimensional grid flux to the Great Central Sun!

We will be broadcasting the Utopia New Moon Global Activations this Saturday, October 21st to optimize the transition into becoming divine humans. Join other Lightworkers around the world in creating the New Earth paradigm, register here:

Lovingly, Meg

Copyright (c) 2017 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.