Many thousands of years ago, creator gods walked upon planet earth. The 12 Root Races joined together with the Angelic Guardians to star seed a new divine human prototype. At the Temple of Horus in Edfu, Egypt, the cosmological records are described as being from divine ancestry. The Wall of Hieroglyphs refers to the ancient Book of Sages, mentioning Thoth and prehistoric mythological origins of sacred domains. So much is hidden in plain sight, calling us forward to unlock the key to ancient origins.

The starseeded Zep Tepi human was a 12 stranded crystalline morphic field of light, responding to consciousness in motion. The driving force of genetic conception was the influx of divine intelligence mapping through the timeless mind and conveyed as command code sequences through the electrical body. An interlocking network of consciousness streamed through the mind into a human apparition, interlinking ‘mind and matter’. Consciousness was made manifest! The ZT divine human was designed in the image of Creator Source, witnessing the holographic reflection materialize from conscious inspiration.

The ancient Zep Tepi gateways are now open. Pure, galactic energy is streaming from the gates into the earth plane. You can access the light consciousness from the original starseed civilization. It is time to ignite the dormant ZT codes held within dormant human genetics. It is your birthright!

Lovingly, Meg

Quantum Access®

PS: We worked with the new Zep Tepi energies during the Eclipse Gateway global meditation. Get started with activating your divine human template:
