On the sacred day of 12:12 we gathered together from all around the world and entered the Quantum Vortex Portal to travel thru spacetime in the Galactic wormhole to the Great Central Sun, the gateway to the parallel Crystalline Universe. We stepped into the Crystal Stargate that exists in the Zero Point Field of our Galactic Core, and received a massive surge of crystal laser infusion through our entire being.

Human DNA uses photon light as a feedback system of communication through waves which encode and transfer information. The Crystal Stargate Immersion washed and purified the density in our cells, awakened dormant 12 Strand DNA and cleared out shadow consciousness, reptilian hybrid codes, and enslavement programming.

We are involved in a massive transfiguration of our cellular genetic framework, as we crystallize our biology into vessels of Light. The Golden Age of Truth launches the step-by-step Ascension process of upliftment into the higher consciousness of the divine human blueprint to actualize during our lifetimes.

The Ascension process involves balancing opposites, as we transform our energy field from polarity to singularity…we are shifting from living in separation to creating a unified field! In doing these steps of unification, we are bringing together all lost aspects of our timeless self and the polar energies of the masculine/feminine, left/right brain, the heart/mind, and the soul/human, and the merkaba/torus.

We are working with the Zep Tepi knowledge of ancient Mystery Schools, as we activate the crystal-based vortex technology and sacred geometry to ignite our Soul’s Crystalline Light Body! We are being catalyzed to release all dependencies on the material world for security.

For many lifetimes on Earth we’ve been grounding into the material world for survival and our sense of security. We are being guided by Spirit to now shift our grounding into our personal Torus/Merkaba and our chosen Sacred Site on the Crystalline Global Grid. The surge of crystalline Light will provide a continuum of sustainable Life Force energy into our own ecosystem, providing all we need to prosper in the New 5D Earth.

I’m learning this step in ‘real time’… on how to upgrade my personal grounding into the Torus/Merkaba. This week a pipe burst in the attic and flooded my entire house, making it uninhabitable. I was escorted out Tuesday night for my safety, and thrust into a free-floating astral zone without any sense of ‘security’ in the material world.

Spirit was directing me to connect and ground to the Crystalline Global Grid and my personal Torus/Merkaba as ‘home’ on Gaia. No longer will we anchor to a physical house anymore, but rather onto a Sacred Site of the Crystalline Global Grid for security and a secure foundation. We are activating our Torus/Merkaba to provide a sustainable continuum of Crystal Light/Life Force in our bioenergetics.

In a rare touch of irony, my house is being stripped to the frame and rebuilt in new energy…symbolically mirroring my personal restructuring. I will be guiding upcoming Workshops and Teleseminars for all who

want to upgrade to the New 5D Earth realm, living as fully integrated, whole crystallized divine humans. It’s never been done before! We have the opportunity of a lifetime to transform ourselves in ways never imagined. I invite you to join me on this extraordinary journey into living in the quantum field as ascended beings.



Copyright (c) 2013 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.