Wesak Lunar Eclipse-Pleiadean Gateway

Wesak Lunar Eclipse-Pleiadean Gateway

We are in for a treat, as the 2nd eclipse of the season arrives late Sunday/early Monday. The spectacular Blood Moon Eclipse get its name from the reddish hue the full moon becomes while the lunar eclipse occurs. The stunning Blood Moon Eclipse occurring on May 15/16...
Solar Eclipse Gateway

Solar Eclipse Gateway

As the New Earth Timeline has risen in strength and stature since the bifurcation on December 12, 2019 (12:12:12), the stark contrast between the two distinct world systems is being revealed. While Jupiter conjuncts Neptune in Pisces we are seeing what was previously...
Unlocking the Veils

Unlocking the Veils

Since the momentous unlocking of the veils and global control matrix on 12/21/2012, we have been experiencing continual purging and releasing of traumatic earthly history from our body, heart, mind and aura. The dense veils are gradually lifting, initiating a...
Zero Point Equinox

Zero Point Equinox

In just hours the Equinox Gateway will reach maximum power. I’ve been attuned to the cosmic gateway since Thursday and it is perfect stillness. Not a ripple or chaotic disturbance in the field, but perfect, divine, calm zero point energy. It is sublime! It is waiting...
Equinox Gateway Energies

Equinox Gateway Energies

The Equinox Gateway is gradually opening this week. In just a few days we will gather together on Sunday, March 20th and work in the zero point portal at 0° Aries. We are celebrating the cosmic moment when night and day are nearly the same length all over the world....