FREE Quantum Access Starter Kit

Quantum Access® Starter Kit

For the past 25 years International Quantum Healer, Meg Benedicte, has developed and time-tested the Quantum Access® Method, an advanced, cutting-edge technique for spiritual activation and evolutionary transformation. The method of altering physical reality is the sacred tradition of Alchemy that was taught in the ancient Mystery Schools.

Quantum Access® is the most effective, accelerated method to unlock trapped emotional/mental/chemical density from the body/heart/mind. Through the gradual healing and clearing of trauma, energetic blockages, astral interference, ancestral patterning and core wounding, Quantum Access® assists with activating the energy body, opening communication with Higher Self and building Soul embodiment.

Quantum Access® Introductory Meditation

by Meg Benedicte


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Quantum Healer, Meg Benedicte will share with you the first step in becoming Quantum Beings…you need to increase your energy frequency, clear your chakras and activate your Pillar of Light! Learn how to break the barrier between physical and spiritual realm. Quantum Access® is the most powerful quantum tool in existence to accelerate your personal transformation.

By activating the Resurrection Spiral with Metatron’s Cube template, you start to integrate Soul energy inwards and release incongruent energy outwards. This extraordinary discovery led to Meg Benedicte’s inspiration and passion to share this advanced, All-in-One quantum healing modality, Quantum Access® with all seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Proven Strategies for Spiritual Mastery Guide


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Drawing from 30 years of personal experience and client sessions, Meg will share with you time-tested strategies for Spiritual Mastery! Quantum Leap your spiritual superpowers with over 40 Strategies you can implement now.

Discover for yourself how Quantum Access® can transform your physical reality in life-altering ways! By tapping into the spinning Quantum Vortex, you can accelerate your spiritual growth, connection, communication and Soul embodiment!

Instead of making pie-in-the-sky promises, Quantum Access® will provide these five essential elements:

  • Remove fear, doubt, insecurities and ego resistance – so you can build inner trust to follow your intuition, spiritual guidance, and higher calling
  • Remove energetic barriers and blockages to love, health, abundance, and soul gifts
  • Remove unhealthy habits, establish personal boundaries, and develop new balanced exchange with others – in honoring, respectful, honest, enhancing relationships
  • Strengthen psychic abilities – clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience – in any moment you KNOW what is for your highest good
  • Deepen Soul embodiment and empowerment – so you can access your Soul gifts to apply in all areas of life

Intro to Quantum Access® Online Course

Implement Quantum Access® in your daily Spiritual Practice and change your life! With the Quantum Access® Method, you’ll make daily decisions with psychic intuition and spiritual empowerment, while gaining confidence and clarity in every aspect of your life.
Join Quantum Access® Founder, Meg Benedicte, in an Interactive Master Class that propels you to the quantum level of Spiritual Mastery.
Learn from International Master Healer, Meg Benedicte, on how to apply the Quantum Access® Protocols and Activations in your daily spiritual practice.
Learn how to access the quantum field of all possibilities! Are you ready to advance to the next level?



  • Discover how to Break the Barrier between the physical and spiritual realms
  • Learn how to become more grounded, stable, calm, coherent and empowered
  • Learn how to activate Metatron’s Cube and spin the Quantum Vortex
  • Practice how to maintain zero point coherence and activate your Heart Crystal Stargate
  • Learn how to activate and maintain Soul’s Pillar of Light in daily Spiritual Practice & Protocols
  • Discover the quantum mechanics of Vortex power and how to increase your energy frequency
  • Explore the quantum physics of your Torus Light Body and circular spiral of creation
  • Practice how to apply AA Metatron’s sacred geometry to activate the Resurrection Spiral, and more!
This comprehensive Master Class Program includes Training Video with Meg, Quantum Access® eBook Manual, Quantum Access® Protocols WorkBook, and empowering Quantum Access® Activation meditations (mp3 downloads) to incorporate into your daily Spiritual Practice.


Video Introduction to Quantum Access® – get started now….

What people are sharing about using the Quantum Access® method….

My session with Meg was way beyond the ordinary! Meg is a hidden gem whose mastery became even more evident during my private session with her. Her ability to pierce through the veils and illuminate truth where there was confusion was profound. I felt layers upon layers of energy shifting and expanding during my session, I literally felt timelines collapsing and new potential threads awakening that feel authentically aligned with my soul’s calling. The visceral experience that I had left behind any hinge of doubt that I may have had about the whether our work together was just another woo-woo experience or the real deal!  I am recommending Meg to everyone!” John Burgos – Creator and Host, Beyond The Ordinary Show
“Meg Benedicte is on the cutting edge of consciousness and divine awakenings.  She continues to astound me with her deep understanding of the Universe and the NEW tools she continually brings to the evolution of human awareness. Repeatedly, people who take part in her practices and programs report back to us incredible changes, transformations and awakenings.  Meg opens up new dimensions of healing, transformation and prosperity for others with seeming ease.  Many times for those who have previously been unable to awaken, heal or transform! She is a true master of this work and I recommend her for anyone who is interested not only deep transformation but a paradigm shifting understanding their reality.  She will open you up to an infinite and all-loving ‘You’ …so get ready! Darius M. Barazandeh Best Selling Transformational Teacher and Host Founder, YouWealthRevolution,com
“Meg’s talk was perhaps the most powerful I’ve ever experienced online, in terms of tangible, flesh-level resonance and vibrational heft. Many of the energy masters do their work, in my perception, on more subtle levels, so it was very satisfying to have strong and sustained field activation that moved instantly into the physicality of my body (and beyond). Reminds me (longingly) of my many hours in TaiChi class, and now Meg’s imagery and intention makes the evocation of this beautiful energy direct and immediate.” Jeneth Blackert Founder of New Wealth Experience Telesummits New Wealth Experience
“I have been studying with Meg Benedicte as one of my primary spiritual guides for over ten years now, and have found her to share the most advanced, clear, and grounded information/practical experience on Ascension available today. Not only does she thoroughly explain the process so my mind can understand, even utilizing concepts of quantum physics, she offers very perceptible guided Spiritual Activations, where my spirit and heart can fully advance. And her training is current for what’s happening right now on the planet.” Debra Giusti Entrepreneur of Transformational Businesses: Harmony Festival, Harmony Connections, Debra Recommends, Transforming Into The New Paradigm
“I can’t begin to tell you the changes I have experienced in my own evolution since our session yesterday. Since you removed so many things from me and helped me understand my purpose, I have been communicating more easily with my guides and teachers. I have never felt so expanded. Thank gawd you had us ground because I think I would still be out there floating around somewhere!I feel such relief not having the codes of doubt surrounding me and their beautiful messages. You helped me remove that and I thank you again and again. Blessings on you and the Sirian’s for sending you here!!!” – Judy, California
“Hi Meg, thank you for your wonderful work. Before I connected with your site, thanks to the starseed link, I was guided to counterclockwise energy around my body, and breath, this seemed to divert chaos at my job. Than I listened to you on the StarSeedRadio show. So grateful! Something has changed in the past few days, major energy shifts. Blessings” – Pat
“Thank you very much, enjoyed visiting your website and watching your videos. Thank you for your gifts; great food for thought. I love the meditation and .pdf file on how to activate the ascension process. God bless you. Warmly” – Gracie
“The meditation vortex download really has helped me come into harmony and peace while working in chaos. I was so amazed after one meditation that I had such results. I have become a member and look forward to future webcasts and connections to your site, Thank You again” – Pat
“I am very happy to be writing to you today. I have benefited greatly from your work, and so appreciate that you have generously made it available on the internet. I have been on this path, like you for over 15 years. My path is different, as I can see my job going forward is different, yet your work resonates so tightly with me now, and has been the source catalyst of my shift across the “event horizon” or through the opening in the time/space continuum you refer to as the new earth. Your meditation/transmission template is quite powerful, particularly in the sequence it falls in my path. Thank you” – Cherie
“Words cannot describe the gratitude I feel for the work you did for me on Monday. My body feels strong, solid and intact and I know I’m not leaking energy anymore, plus the feelings of lethargy and exhaustion are gone. I particularly enjoy the strong feeling of love coming from my soul family. It’s like being in a nice warm, fuzzy cocoon and I can go there simply with a thought. Thanks again” – Kathleen