As we prepare to enter the powerful 8-8 Lionsgate portal in a couple hours on Saturday, August 8th, I keep receiving a message from Spirit about ‘Lions Courage’. During a global reset and restructuring, it take courage to flow thru the dramatic changes with grace and confidence. It takes courage to focus on the New Earth field instead of the collapsing timeline of duality. It takes courage to fill your expanding heart with love and compassion for all living beings, instead of contracting and closing in fear. It takes courage to hold space with those suffering in pain and grief, providing a strong arm to lean on.

We are the Star Beings who traveled far and wide to be here at this particular time of great change. We are the New Earth Emissaries! The Lionsgate influx of courage, strength and heart expansion is available to all who choose. Let’s open and receive the Infinity 8 blessings flowing thru the Lions Gateway from the Central Sun.

We will step into the Lionsgate at the galactic center and work with the heart superwave of Infinity ‘8’ frequencies enhancing courage, confidence, compassion, freedom, abundance and prosperity. This is a very potent day to amplify your visons, intentions and hearts desires.

Join other Earth Keepers, Gridworkers and Star Beings all around the world as we gather for the powerful 8:8 Lionsgate Activations on Saturday, August 8th. We will perform healing activations and global intentions in unity consciousness during our Lionsgate gathering. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here:

Lovingly, Meg