As we continue to evolve and increase our energy frequency, this brings up all the lower consciousness that no longer resonates with our true Self. It shines a spotlight on all the negative thoughts looping in our mind – the fears and insecurities, the torturous doubts about our abilities, plus the anxieties and worries that we are not good enough.

Over time layers and layers of emotional body armor and mind-control programming has built up inside, creating an internal battle waging between our heart and mind. From living in the 3D Matrix we have become ‘out-of-sync’! None of these thoughts or feelings support our Soul’s purpose or reflect our true authentic essence.

We are grand evolved Souls, truly

very old Souls that have already studied and learned

how to be multi-dimensional Starseeds. We bring advanced knowledge and techniques to Gaia and humanity to help serve and support their Ascension.

Remember your magnificence!
Lovingly, Meg