We are still integrating deeply the recent Solar upgrades from the Solstice Gateway. Remember to call them in during your daily grounding steps. For the past week my body has felt on fire, waves of heat burning out-dated energies from my body and field. It may seem like you are dropping lifetimes of old, toxic energy as you continue to spiral higher.

July and August are months of preparation for 3 life-changing eclipses. Mars recently turned direct in Scorpio – igniting more inner drive and motivation. When out-of-balance, the Mars surge may intensify aggression and violence. It is revealing the dark side of human nature and the desperate clinging to a corrupted regime. With the onset of social media, more and more are protesting in the streets. A ground swell is growing of zero tolerance for continued violence, war and brutal acts against nature.

Those souls with Starseed missions of mercy for the fallen ones can now feel complete. It is a time for caution against any backlash. I’m getting guidance to stay close to home and hold inner focus. The fallen souls are still trying to maintain control of the 3D Matrix – unaware that it is dying. If this does not resonate, then it must not be part of your mission. So be it!

We are also nearing the annual 8-8 Lions Gate activation with our sister star Sirius. The Lions Gate portal occurs every August as the Blue Star Sirius rises in the morning sky with our Sun. It appears as 2 rising Suns – one in golden Light and the other in Blue frequency. When the Sun is conjunct Star Sirius it creates a Solar Stargate that pours Solar Star Codes for mastery and ascension directly from Sirius.

Take this time to nurture and care for the stress-out human self. Try not to get caught up in the polarized preaching of the media and politics, for it is divisive and destructive. Hold your inner space of quiet contentment. The Christed Soul is building inside! The path of Light shall be revealed – shining our way home!

Lovingly, Meg